Harakeke Rōpū
The Haraeke Rōpū is a weekly after school session for additional learning for some students. This is made possible by the great support of the ‘Who Did You Help Today?’ Trust and volunteers from the ANZ bank.

The Harakeke Rōpū is a very rewarding and positive experience for both our kaiako and ākonga. It is an excellent opportunity for children to strengthen their understanding in a particular area and to practice the learning that they may find more challenging or difficult with extra support. Students learn alongside students from other classes, which gives an opportunity to develop tuakana-teina relationships.
A kaiako, who may not be your child’s current teacher oversees the sessions. The ANZ volunteers, alongside our kaiako to support and strengthen your child’s learning. The ANZ staff enjoy volunteering their time with our students and are passionate in accelerating learning. We are very grateful for the ANZ volunteers and their dedication to our ākonga. As you can see, many special relationships are built and strengthened during our Harakeke Rōpū sessions between ākonga, kaiako and the ANZ volunteers.